How to add service tags in the yaml? Do we still use kubernetesingress if we use consulcatalog?

I have already setup traefik 2.2.5 using these providers

  • "--providers.kubernetescrd"
  • "--providers.kubernetesingress"
    I had been using kubernetes ingresses but now want to use consul.

I am trying to use consulcatalog now. A question is, if we use consulcatalog, do we still require kubernetesingress provider to route traffic?

Also in the consul documentations,, it says Attach tags to your services and let Traefik do the rest! The Service automatically gets a server per instance in this consul Catalog service, and the router gets a default rule attached to it, based on the service name.

What does that mean? Where do you add tags in our application services? Are these labels or annotations?

Note that i am using these right now in my traefik config using cli within my traefik deployment.yaml

  • "--providers.consulcatalog=true"
  • "--providers.consulcatalog.prefix=traefik"
  • "--providers.consulcatalog.endpoint.address=http://consul.service.consul:8500"

Hope to get some help here. Thanks

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