Traefik 2.2 features

I have a question regarding traefik 2.2 features

is storing acme objects in KV stores is deprecated ?
is there any documentations for building traefik clusters ?
and is there a way to store the CLI commands in KV stores?

I see that these features was part of v 1.7 but not it seems not available anymore ?

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Hello @wshihadeh,

is storing acme objects in KV stores is deprecated ?

Yes, Acme storage is limited to a json file in Traefik 2.2: (Let's Encrypt | Traefik | v2.2).

s there any documentations for building traefik clusters ?

Yes, you can use Traefik in HA mode, but using LetsEncrypt is not supported. If you need HA LetsEncrypt, you need to look at Traefik Enterprise Edition (Traefik Enterprise, The API Gateway Cloud Natives Trust) as this is a supported feature.

is there a way to store the CLI commands in KV stores?

This feature was removed due to large numbers of issues it presented.

Currently the static configuration can be provided via config file, command line arguments, or environment variables: (Configuration Introduction | Traefik | v2.2)

I hope that helps!

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