Traefik 1.7 to 2.0 Docker for Windows

Hi @losif, if the 2 TCP "backend services" are served outside Docker, using the file provider would be the way to go.

  • Enabling File provider: You figured out correctly the flag of the Traefik CLI configuration: --providers.file.filename=rules.yml enables the provider "File" and set it up to get its configuration from the file located on ./rules.yml
  • Providing the file rules.yml to the Traefik container: did you notice that I used a dot-slach (./) for the location of rules.yml? Because the value you've set for the flag providers.file.filename is a relative path INSIDE the Traefik container. You have to share this file between your machine and the traefik container, by mounting it on a specified path, as you did with v1.7 with the traefik.toml. My recommendation for you: