Multiple providers of the same type

At the moment we have Traefik 1.7 with the file and Marathon provider setup. We are working on a setup where we have multiple marathon frameworks setup in the same cluster. We would like to use multiple Marathon providers in the same Traefik instance. Is this possible?


endpoints: "marathon1.mesos:8080"

endpoints: "marathon2.mesos:8080"

We have tried to setup a single marathon provider and feed several different endpoints, the first endpoint got picked up but others were ignored. Feeding multiple endpoints to the same provider is only reserved for frameworks that have a quorum together, so this is understandable. I however do not understand if it is possible to setup more than 1 of the same provider. Any help is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

example does not work:
endpoints: "marathon.mesos:8080,marathon-other-framework.mesos:8080"


unfortunately, this is currently not supported.

You would need to have 2 Traefik instances, both connecting to one of the endpoints.

Thank you for the answer SantoDE, it is what i feared.


I am curious if this is still the case? I have all port 80/443 traffic port forwarded to traefik but I have 2 kubernetes clusters I would like to setup as providers using the providers.kubernetesingress object. Is it still not possible to define two of the same providers?

Thank you,

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