Endless 502 / forwarding when calling dashboard via subdomain #6123

as I now have

  1. Traefik dashboard
  2. discourse
  3. Mattermost

on https, thus I'm almost done with my first stage.
The last action on Traefik is authentication of the dashboard and whoami.
It is explained in https://containo.us/blog/traefik-2-0-docker-101-fc2893944b9d. I can either use [BasicAuth]-(https://docs.traefik.io/v2.0/middlewares/basicauth/) or DigestAuth whereby BasicAuth should be enough according to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9534602/what-is-the-difference-between-digest-and-basic-authentication.
What it does not tell me, is how the user/password prompt is happening.
Will be there a browser built-in pop-up asking me for user and password?